Message of Solidarity and Support to Organisation for Women’s Freedom-Iraq

yanar                                                       !Protest Movement in Iraq a beacon of Hope

Dear Yenar and OWF comrades

We follow the news of mass protests in Iraq with great excitement and interest. The protest movement took everyone by surprise and a feeling of disbelief. It is so heart-warming to witness people in great numbers are coming into the streets to demand their well-deserved rights, despite the fear of brutal terrorism that has haunted the society. Iraqi people have experienced tremendous hardships since the bloody attack of the US, Britain and their allies 12 years ago. The war of terrorists has torn the society apart; imposing politics and ideology of sectarianism on the society and enforcing it by bombs, guns, rapes and torture. As though all this bloodshed was not enough, they had to send IS (Daesh) to finish off whatever was left of dignity, resistance and humanity in the society. But courageous and freedom-loving people of Iraq showed them a totally different picture.

The recent protest movement brings hope not only to the people of Iraq, but all over the world. Freedom-loving and egalitarian people in the world, those we call the third pole as opposed to two poles of terrorism, come to life when they witness resistance against brutality and violence, against forces of reaction and misogyny and mobilisation for creating a better world, a world free of sectarianism, racism, misogyny, inequality and oppression.

We are aware of your hard work throughout these difficult years. We admire your resilience and dedication. We believe that we belong to the same movement: An egalitarian movement for equality and freedom of women and all people; moreover, we both fight against the same enemy which has torn the Middle East apart, the war of the two poles of terrorists, Islamic terrorism and state terrorism, the western governments and Israel.  We support you in your difficult battle and offer you any possible help.

Long Live Freedom and Equality!

Long Live Women’s Freedom!

Down with both poles of terrorism!

In solidarity

Azar majedi

Organisation for Women’s Liberation-Iran

۱۷ August 2015