The Islamic regime in Iran has recently passed a law, after long arbitration and procrastination, to re-enforce the veil on the society and to defend and preserve “chastity”. They are promising more force, heavier and more organised attacks on the unveiled, or as the regime says, “bad-veiled”. The aim is to bring the whole society behind this law, forcing taxi companies, bus drivers and other sections of the working people or business behind this clamp down.
This is only cry for help. Islamic regime knows it only too well that women in Iran, the women’s liberation movement in Iran have already overcome this senseless law. We have witnessed the de facto overthrow of the veil in Iran. The women’s liberation movement have surpassed the laws and measures of forceful veil. These are last attempts, like a drowning man who by his survival efforts, expedites his drowning.
Islamic rule and laws have no place in the society. People know that, Islamic regime knows that. This is a lost battle for the Islamic regime. Women’s liberation movement and all progressive, freedom-loving and justice-seeking people in Iran have sent their message loud and clear: No to Islam, no to oppression. Yes to Freedom and equality.We need to organise and strengthen our movement for freedom, equality and justice against all reactionary forces.
۴ December, 2024
Long live freedom and equality!
Down with the Islamic regime!
Organisation for Women’s Liberation