Masks are torn!
Ex-Muslims from Frying Pan to Fire
Azar Majedi, Homa Arjomand
Maryam Namazie, Council of Ex- Muslims of Britain, (CEMB) has written a propaganda piece entitled “Azar Majedi and Homa Arjomand’s Islamist Propaganda and Morality”! The title sounds more like a right wing leaflet (from Reform Party) than a political debate, a rational critique, as one would expect from a secular, atheist organisation who claims to have left Islam on the basis of reason, rationality and science. The bigger the lie, the easier to swallow! We all know this infamous saying; a good piece of advice for the ruling class and its servants.
Let’s dwell a bit on Maryam’s claims, better characterised as accusations. “Azar Majedi and Homa Arjomand’s recent criticisms of feminists, secularists and ex-Muslims under the guise of defending the Palestinian people are worrying given their use of Islamist and pro-Islamist Left propaganda.”
Before getting into the content (I use that term loosely), let’s dissect the language and the tone: “Under the guise of defending the Palestinian people,” This sounds very conspiratorial. It’s been suggested that all our efforts, be it minimal and a drop in the ocean, are a conspiratorial plot to promote Islamism. This is what Maryam Namazie has the audacity of articulating.
They are unable to comprehend that there are still some human beings who act according to their conscience; who still have a human cause; who still act from compassion; who have still not sold their soul.
Maryam has simply gone too far. This is completely outside the “accepted” norms and rules of political debate. This is only a piece of propaganda. We must warn her that this has already caused a great deal of backlash and will be even more damaging to her organisation, public standing and claims.
Why has Maryam Namazie lost all sense of proportion, reasoning and logic? Why has she stooped so low? The only plausible answer is that she must have felt an existential threat. Desperate times call for desperate measures. 8 months into a genocide which has been watched in real time by millions around the world on their mobile phones, Ex-Muslim had not even whispered a word against this genocide, never mind condemning it, while intensifying their usual anti-Islamic shows and events. This is a thin rope they’re walking on. People are not idiots, particularly at the time of great awakening that we are experiencing in the world. This propaganda piece is the result of a desperate act to save not only their face, but their existence.
Azar and Homa have been accused of having turned into Islamist mouth-piece apparently for using “Islamist propaganda” in their critic of Western secular entities and feminists for their total silence with regard to Gaza genocide, Israeli mass murders, bloodshed and apartheid Jewish state.
In an Open Letter, we have criticised the hypocrisy and double standards of secular institutions in the West. We have exposed that their secularism and criticism of religion is focused on Islam. Not a word against Judaism; a religion just as backward, reactionary, misogynist, anti-liberation and full of superstition. (We will definitely be met by “anti-Semite” name-calling tantrums.) We have criticised their double standard for condemning only one kind of religious state; they only condemn the Islamic state, but not a word about the Jewish state of Israel, that Netanyahu expresses with so much pride, “the only Jewish State.” Even when the army of this Jewish state murders and maims Palestinian children with the words of Torah, we hear nothing! (This is not “anti-Semitism,” as Maryam has accused us of being. These have been shown and expressed in Israeli TV channels and filmed by Israeli soldiers and been proudly posted on social media.)
We stated that these secular entities call themselves humanitarian, progressive and freedom-loving, promoting a free and humane society, but in the face of a historic genocide and ethnic cleansing, they have remained completely silent; some have even gone as far as condemning only Hamas and expressing sympathy for the Israelis. We called out secularists and feminists for their hypocrisy and lies; we exposed their empty and hollow words in defence of humanity and justice. Double standard is not acceptable. Crime, oppression and injustice must be condemned in any form and shape; it is not optional. For these solid reasons, we stated that these movements and organisations lack any political, social and moral principles.
We leave it to the fairness of our readers’ minds to judge whether this statement is Islamist, pro-Islamist movement and regime. But such accusation, to state the truth, has brought both laughter, as it sounds so comical; and grief to us, as it is always sad to see people fall, especially so low. (Our Open Letter to the Secular Entities of the West is published in this issue.)
Moreover, Homa Arjomand has criticised Ex-Muslim for organising a secularist conference in December 2023, two months into the genocide in Gaza carried out by a Jewish state, with total silence over the genocide in Gaza. No mention of Judaism or the Jewish state, only Islam, Islamic movement and regime were on the agenda. Not even a word of compassion or a minute of silence for Palestinians in this international secularist conference. Maryam pretends not to have understood the point of criticism.
We have also exposed the hypocrisy of Richard Dawkins, Who has been risen to the image of God of the godless, who’s openly promoting Christian culture and expresses gratitude for Christian missionaries who fight Muslim missionaries in Africa. Is it unfair to say he’s promoting a modern crusade? It should be mentioned that Dawkins is one of the main funder and moral supporter of Ex-Muslims.
You can’t save your conscience from the shame and your ruined reputation by throwing accusations. After eight months of twenty-four-hour genocide in Gaza; After the killing of about fifty thousand people, more than fifteen thousand of whom are children; After maiming and orphaning thousands of children; After completely destroying Gaza, hospitals, universities, schools and any urban infrastructure; After famine and water cut off nearly two million people; After all international “human rights” organizations condemned Israel’s genocide; After millions of people around the world took to the streets for eight months; After an international movement for justice and freedom for the people of Gaza and the Palestinians and the condemnation of Israel and its Western allies led by the United States, has come to the fore, you finally mentioned the word genocide and condemned it; but within the context of the Western/Israeli narrative. Supposedly this is “a religious –ethnic war” fought between Israel and Hamas.” (The Central Council of Ex-Muslim has refused to use the word genocide. Their position is similar to the position of Netanyahu or Anthony Blinken’s office.)
CEMB have been silent for eight months and now that a significant part of the ruling class in the West and a part of Netanyahu’s own cabinet have started criticising him, putting up a show of “moderation”, getting ready for throwing Netanyahu under the bus when the time comes, they have entered the scene with the narrative of these opportunistic critics of the genocide. The false narrative of Hamas and Israel are involved in this war and it is apparently “an ethnic-religious war”! This analysis is completely irrelevant to history, truth on the ground, and humanity. It is in fact Ex-Muslims who have hidden themselves under the monster of political Islam and are spreading the narrative of Israel and America about this genocide for the benefit of Israel.
Moreover, if you claim that this is an ethno-religious war, do you agree that Israel is a religious regime that has been imposing ethnic and religious apartheid on the Palestinian people? Or does the ethnic and religious aspect only apply to the Palestinians that you have so generously handed over to Hamas? You must certainly be aware that in America and Canada in recent months several real estate meetings have been organised at the Israeli Embassy or Jewish Synagogues for the sale of seized land in the West Bank? The meeting is only open to white western Jews. One such meeting was held just some days ago in a synagogue in Los Angeles, where a large demonstration was organized in front of it, which was met with brutal violence by the police and pro-Israeli thugs. (This is not “anti-Semitism!” The news is accessible for those who have not buried their head in the sand.)
We criticised Ex-Muslim for its position not only with regard to Israeli genocide, but also about their raison d’être. Ex-Muslim has been created to serve as a weapon against Islam and what is classified as “Islamism” in the hands of Western state terrorism and Israel; a piece of puzzle of the “Clash of Civilisations”. This is why they were created and this has been their project from their inception.
Fuel for Extreme-Right
At present, Ex-Muslim is playing in the hands of right wing and fascist movement, in the latter’s anti-immigrant, anti-refugee, and anti-Muslim propaganda. It is adding fuel to their hatemongering propaganda at the time of a surge in extreme-right and fascist movement, by calling to protest against the threat of Islamic terrorism in the West after a policeman was killed in Germany by a young man from Afghanistan. Azar Has been called a mouthpiece of “Islamist”, a scaremonger and deceitful for warning against the threat of rise of fascism in Europe, the threat against immigrants, refugees, Muslims and people from the Middle East. Azar has warned that this time fascists will go after Muslims.
We don’t have to look far to feel the threat of fascism in Europe. Look at the EU election, Netherland, Portugal, France and UK; already in Italy and Sweden fascists are in the government. Most Eastern European countries are under far right governments with an extremely racist culture. The attack on civil liberties in the past years is incredibly alarming. The shift to the right is so strong and so obvious. Just look at the way refugees are treated all over Europe! Don’t you find these alarming? It’s incomprehensible as why one would deny this naked truth. Is it Islamist to point to the threat of fascism in the West? Is it Islamist to say the hatemongering climate of today can create Muslim Ghettos in near future? Name calling is all there is: “Islamist, anti-Semite!”
Balance of Power or Blasphemy
Maryam Namazie has stated that we consider “US-led militarism to be a greater threat” than Islamists, and have judged this as an “alarming position.” First, we have never formulated or proposed such a position. Our position is that the Western state terrorism under the leadership of the US is the greatest danger to the world peace, prosperity and humanity. In the past 30 years, the US, the West and Israel have practically ruined the Middle East; killed millions, displaced millions more; have wiped out any sign of civility in big parts of the Middle East, not to mention Africa and Latin America.
The West with Israel have created the Islamic terrorist movement and unleashed its monstrous force on the people of the region*, and then under the pretext of “war against terror” (the terror that they created themselves) they have bombed the region to ruins. And this war is going on, and the new phase of it is the genocide in Gaza, with the aim of total cleansing of Gaza of its native Palestinian population; and probable expansion of the war.
It is documented that Islamic regime came to power in Iran as a result of regime change led by the US, in the discourse of the time, creation of a green belt against the Soviet Union; Mujahedeen in Afghanistan, Taliban and Al-Qaida were created by the US; Hamas by Israel; later ISIS by US, UK and Israel.
But the question is why does judging the Western state terrorism as a greater threat, sound alarming to you? Do you really believe that Islamic terrorism has the same weight and power of state terrorism in the international geopolitics?
Let’s assume, for the sake of the argument that the whole Islamic movement is standing with the Islamic regime of Iran, against the so-called “US-led militarism”; is the power of this Islamic alliance comparable to the power of NATO? Put this statement in front of a teenager who is new to politics and they will laugh.
Look at the wars and destructions, genocides and massacres, tons and tons of bombs dropped on a whole country, and murderous sanctions imposed on a whole population, in the last thirty years; compare the destructive and criminal power of these two poles. A sense of proportion is a good thing to have. To fight the enemy, you don’t need to present it more powerful than it really is. The crimes of the Islamic Republic and the Islamic Movement do not need aggrandisement. In order to bring down the Islamic Regime, to organise a socialist revolution, we do not need to make the Islamic Republic look bigger and stronger than it is. This tactic will backfire.
Are such positions due to ignorance about the political situation in the world, the history of the war in the Middle East and the formation of Israel, the history of 100 years and especially the last seventy-five years of the Palestinian question and the occupation, repression and genocide committed by Israel? Is it due to ignorance about what happened in the Middle East in the past 30 years, not even further back, and the complete destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Palestine and more widely in Africa? Or, is there a political agenda behind these absurd statements and right-wing propaganda? Obviously the latter is the reason for this nonsensical piece of propaganda.
We have been accused of belonging to Islamic movement, simply because we disagree on the size and scale of two political forces. We consider the Islamic movement to be weaker than what Ex-Muslim presents them to be. They believe that political Islam is a greater danger than state terrorism. Hamas is apparently more dangerous than Israel. We disagree with this opinion. Therefore, we have been accused of supporting political Islam.
It is ridiculous! On the one hand, the Islamic movement is so weak that it can be pushed back by protesting naked, drinking alcohol, dancing and singing in front of places attributed to Islam. And on the other hand, it is stronger than, Western powers, Israel, America, and NATO. Thus, a greater threat to the world, the West and the region!
This perception and analysis simply doesn’t make any sense. The process by which they have reached such conclusion is totally unclear. This is a baseless statement and their action is contradictory to their statement. Unfortunately, the entire writing and all that is presented as facts and arguments are incoherent and full of contradictions.
Moreover, in a world without superstitions and free from certain material and political interests, the issue of the weight and power of a certain movement can be the subject of a logical dialogue. This political disagreement can be discussed; the strength and weight of this force can be disputed. God’s word has not been violated, blasphemy has not been committed. But since Ex-Muslim’s aim is defending Israel, this analysis about the weight, power and real extent of the danger of the Islamic movement in the West in the current situation has turned into an accusation. Such a position completely negates any wisdom and logic. It expresses superstition. The real meaning of superstition is the denial of science and logic and holding beliefs without a scientific or real basis. They have swallowed so many superstitions, propaganda and false narratives of Israel and Western ideologues that they don’t seem to realise their own contradictions and double standards.
What about Hamas?
Since we do not condemn Hamas in the Gaza genocide; (Just as we did not condemn Palestinian forces in the previous Israeli genocides in Palestine, for example PLO, despite our deep criticisms of the organisation) we have been accused of supporting political Islam. This is what Netanyahu, Joe Biden, George Schultz, Rishi Sunak and Emmanuel Macron say. This is what the mainstream media, CNN and BBC and German and French TV are parroting; Israeli and American spokespersons such as Piers Morgan and Ben Shapiro and famous secularists, such as, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Bill Marr shout.
There is no depth in this argument, because there is no analysis behind it. It is a false narrative of the historical facts. Such an argument cannot be taken seriously, especially from such an organisation. Resorting to such low and superficial methods is an expression of desperation more than anything else.
We have talked a lot about the role of Hamas in Palestine and the relationship between Hamas and Israel. (In Persian, with which Maryam is familiar.) However, it is necessary to explain our position for those unfamiliar with it.
Hamas is a reactionary, cruel and corrupt organisation that has been created by Israel with the aim of dividing the Palestinian resistance movement. Following the motto of “divide and rule”, Israel funded and helped create Hamas in 1987, 3 years after the Washington conference on Islamic terrorism, organised by Netanyahu. Ever since its creation, Hamas has received millions and millions of dollars from US-backed states such as Qatar. There are recordings of Netanyahu as late as 2019 that he insists in financial support for Hamas as a security tool for Israel. There are so many documents, recordings from Israeli and US politicians who state how Israel and US have kept Hamas alive and kicking.
As far as 7th of October is concerned, first, Egypt had informed the Israelis some time before of the plot; second, Gaza is a concentration camp under 24 hour complete surveillance, so not a bird can fly in Gaza without being detected, and it is said that the 7th October operation was being prepared for a year; how is it possible for the Israeli security service not to have discovered the plot? Third, some of the released hostages and some Israeli servicemen have given testimony to the fact that some of the hostages were killed by Israeli army; the recent evidence exposed in Israeli TV, Israel has been aware and complicit from the beginning.*
Besides, according to International laws, Israel does not have the right to defend itself against Gaza, as Gaza is an occupied land. Military actions from Gaza against Israel are considered self-defence against occupation.
Therefore, not only us, but also the international laws don’t condemn Hamas for the genocide in Gaza. Hamas was elected as the government of Gaza in an internationally supervised and manipulated election. So, as the government of an occupied land Hamas, Islamic or otherwise, has the right to defend itself. This is International Law, not our invention. In a similar way, the left, the progressive movement of the time never condemned actions taken by ANC during the apartheid era.
However, we condemn Hamas for crime and repression against Palestinians, for its corruption and theft, for siding and aiding the force of oppression and murder. Hamas is a reactionary and brutal organisation, and it should be exposed for its crimes which does not include genocide.
Acts of terrorism against the civilian population has always been condemned by us, from whatever organisation for whatever purpose. But this does not mean that you condemn the resistance movement for the crimes of the occupier, the oppressor.
Double standard
When CEMB are criticised, for their silence in regard to Judaism (versus other religions) and the Jewish state of Israel, and when their double standards are exposed, they throw a tantrum and call us “anti-Semites”. This is hypocrisy, pure and simple. Apparently, criticizing Judaism, the Jewish religious establishment and Israel is an anti-Semitic act. This, coming from supposed Secularists. What does this remind you of? The deafening and disgusting propaganda of the BBC, CNN, Western governments, Biden and Blinken, George Schultz and Rishi Sunak and Starmer, Piers Morgan and Ben Shapiro. These tactics they all use to demonise and shut down discourse and legitimate support for Palestinians (what Maryam calls a guise).
When CEMB is told that their provocative tactics, such as naked protests and drinking alcohol in front of places attributed to Muslims, not only provoke Muslims, but also demonises and degrades them, they reply that Azar and Homa stand with the Islamic Republic and “use the propaganda and moral ethics of Islamists”. Why does our mere criticism of their superficial protests become equal to Islamist support? Have the realms of political discourse become so diluted and reactionary or are we again face to face with Maryam’s inability to form a coherent argument of any substance.
It is interesting that after a lesson about freedom of speech and the right to criticise religion in any form, Maryam calls Azar an anti-Semite for revealing horrifying actions of a synagogue **. Maryam again cannot pick and choose. where criticism of religions and their institutions is free speech
In criticizing the call to Iranians for an anti-Islamic march, Azar Majedi has criticized Mina Ahadi for targeting the Afghan society. Azar stated that this call will not only make the atmosphere very difficult and dangerous for the people, especially young Afghan men and the people of the region, in Germany, but it will also have destructive and dangerous effects on the situation of Afghans in Iran. We warned about the harsh and brutal situation of Afghans in Iran and the violence and oppression of the Islamic regime and anti-Afghan racism inherent in Iranian nationalism. If we apply Maryam and Ex-Muslim’s method of arguing, their action coincides with the actions of the Islamic regime with regard to the Afghan community.
Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Criticism
Maryam Namazie writes: “Azar says she is in favour of unconditional freedom of speech, but (the same famous but) don’t provoke people.” Azar has always stated that she defends the unconditional freedom of expression. This is a principle of the programme of “A Better World”, our programme. The right to unconditional freedom of speech is a legal-political relationship between the citizen and the state, not two citizens. This states that you should be entitled to an unconditional freedom of speech and expression without the state and police interference; and Azar has the right to criticise your words and deeds without the intervention of the state and the police. Azar is exercising her right here: criticizing your provocative and hostile methods, humiliating and demonizing a part of society, jeopardizing their status and security of life.
We sincerely ask: Do you really think about the effects of your “fast defying” protest techniques during month of Ramadan on the children and youth of the Muslim community? When you protest Ramadan and Islam by drinking alcohol and smoking in front of places that are associated with Muslims and Islam, what effects do you think you may have on these children and youth? When you put alcohol and cigarettes as alternative to fasting, what education do you give to these teenagers and young people? How do you enlighten them to a better belief system or ideology? How do you help them question their superstation and reach reason and rationality? What superstition do you break and what truth or wisdom do you replace it with?
These are real questions. Have you ever thought about them? As a person who believes that she has left Islam due to knowledge, reason and wisdom and wants to enlighten other ignorant people, these questions should be deeply thought of and analysed before making any move. But, following the pattern of your thought and reasoning in this writing, it is clear that these questions have not even crossed your mind. The only motivation is the love for provocation.
The irony is that if you put drinking and smoking in comparison to fasting, not only in front of every doctor and healthcare practitioner, but in front of every person with common sense, they will be surprised that someone finds drinking and smoking wiser, more beneficial, rational or reasonable choice compare to fasting. Now do you realize how superficial your campaigns, analyses and propaganda are, without a bit of reflection and sometimes very harmful**?
In the end, we regretfully announce that Maryam’s article is an outstanding example of inability to analyse, apply logic and reasoning, and respect for facts and truth. It is a political propaganda piece. During the genocide in Gaza, Ex-Muslims have come under extreme scrutiny for their silence and words, inactions and activities, especially from the Iranian community, one of their main field of influence, because of their Iranian origins.
Ex-Muslims’ situation is very precarious; because in order to be effective and to influence opinions and socio-political climate, they have to enjoy a degree of credibility as an authentic organisation which presents a “progressive voice” against Islam. They have been exposed. The masks have been ripped. The left, progressive, humane, freedom-loving individuals and organisations regard them as a mouthpiece of the Western ruling class and their agenda. The shame of defending Israel in genocide will never be washed away.
And we’ll finish it with a sincere message: You have the power, we have the people. One chooses their path either for material gains, or according to their conscious. You’re on the wrong side of history.
*Just as the article was being published an important fact was exposed by Israel daily Haaretz English. Haaretz has published leaked documents that prove what some independent journalists were stating all along, that Hannibal act was implemented by Israeli army on 7th of October; meaning many of the hostages or Israeli soldiers were killed by Israel.
**Her references for fact checks are mainstream media that have lied through their teeth about the genocide in Gaza and defended Israel unwaveringly. So many facts that were regarded as conspiracy theories by the ruling class have now been proven and found their way into mainstream media. These references might be convincing for those who lack any sense of questioning and critic, those who swallow whatever the ruling class, including the mainstream media tell them, but has no relevance to our discussion. Just mention in passing that you don’t need to look too far to find out the truth about Soros. He was a Jewish Nazi collaborator in Hungary, during the war. Even The Jerusalem Post has reported it.