The Third Pole is Loud and Clear

Azar Majedi

The horrible mass murder of 9/11 gave America a divine justification for the destruction of the Middle East under the pretext of war against Islamic terrorism. Following this atrocity, America committed genocides in the region. Since 2001, the Middle East has become a constant battlefield, a total ruin. Millions of people have been killed; millions have been displaced. During these twenty-three years, the Middle East has not seen a peaceful day. Bombs are flying in the sky. The final curtain of this crime is the genocide in Gaza.

America and Western imperialism produced and nurtured Islamic terrorism. Islam, as all other religions, has always been one of the tools of colonialism and imperialism to suppress freedom, progressive values, left and socialist tendencies and movements in the region. Since the 1970s, this movement has acquired a new form. It was with Brzezinski and Carter and their Green Belt project, creating an Islamic belt against the Soviet Union, that the first Islamic state with the mask of “revolutionary” was created.

The US and the West managed to suppress the 1979 revolution in Iran by organizing a regime change and bringing the Islamists into power in one of the biggest and most powerful countries of the region. By creating an Islamic state in Iran, US created a monster and then declared war on its self-made monster.

Then, the Islamic movement was expanded; one organisation after the other was created: Mujahedeen, Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Hamas. America and the West used the pretext of these terrorist organisations/ movement to justify the bombing and destruction of the Middle East. But the documents were leaked. The truth was revealed. All these organizations are made by America and the West with the intervention of Israel. In the “Arab Spring” they created ISIS that helps US steal the oil from Syria. Recently, it has been revealed that wounded ISIS soldiers are going to Israel for treatment.

Against this world that was divided into two hate and warmongering poles: state terrorism against Islamic terrorism, we emphasized the third pole. We said that the third pole, the pole of freedom, equality and justice, the pole of humanity, should be awakened and organised. This is our only hope; the only practical way to justice and freedom.

۸ months of genocide in Gaza proved the role of the third pole in the field of struggle. Millions of people who poured into the streets in defence of the people of Gaza and Palestine, condemning Israel’s genocide and the complicity of America and the West in this massacre, and despite the repression of the police, have not yet left the scene, thousands of students who expressed their anger against this genocide by occupying the universities; they are the third pole.

The third pole did not accept the false and ridiculous narrative of Israel and Western ideologues that this is Israel’s war with Hamas and it started on October 7. The eyes of the world were opened to the historical facts of Israel and Palestine. 75 years of occupation, genocide, apartheid, daily police repression is the history of Palestine under Israeli occupation. The Palestinian people’s resistance movement has now become the spokesperson for the international movement for justice.

The third pole has come to the streets in millions and demands justice; condemns crime and genocide, condemns Israel, America and the West. This huge movement has the potential to defend political and civil liberties and justice in the West against the growth and rise of fascism. The demand for justice for Palestine has become the symbol of the demand for justice in the whole world. People’s eyes have been opened. The masks of lies and hypocrisy of the ruling class have been torn. Society has woken up. Now a golden condition has been created for the organization of a huge left and socialist movement.

June 16, 2024